
Monday 13 January 2014

Planning to go to market to buy Solar

I am yet to get a proper nominal quote from anyone for my solar pump requirement. Internet is of no use.  Vendors claims typically bear items like 'Solar Inverter', 'Solar cable' and even 'Solar Batteries' !!!.  I am only waiting to see 'solar installation' and 'solar labour'.  The companies are of two kinds,
a) Companies marketing solar panles
b) Companies selling agriculture pump sets.

Integrating both these are seldom done by big companies.  There exists some companies who claim they are solar companies, whose websites are still not fully updated.  Here is were 'technicians' play their 'solutions' role. A call to these companies will land you up in call centre type executive who cannot answer anything useful, but are good at followup without a gap. Second call would land you into the hands of these technicians or the super managers. Both quote  a very fancy price for 'bundled offer' and justify them in few mails and go blank. They always omit vital parameters that are important from customer point. Solutions are always based on what product they deal with and not what solution the customer wants.

DC Currnet of -48 volt, current conversion, water flow calculation, DC/AC pump, well depth, motor startup issues - all these concepts keep everyone busy because they are not supposed to be discussed by common man. Without de-mystifying these (like a corporate hospital doctor), many advisers mint money by claiming to show complete solution to customer without publishing the actual breakup costs(or show too much unwanted details). Government subsidy of 30% on solar product will be applied after a steep hike. Every quote is incomplete - either they omit installation, civil works, electrical wiring or even mouting frames.

Above all there is 15 years guarantee given by companies to justify solar cost !. As though energy is perpetual !.  Hello, technological obsolence happens within 2 to 3 years in every sector. Solar technology is changing day by day. 

An agriculture pump at the most will work for 5 years continuously. Each passing year, younger generation is looking at old technology as if it was of stone age. Thanks to consumerism induced planned obsolescence.  Why should anyone bother about a 15 year guarantee?. I can now laugh at the 15 Year Mod-Tap certificate I framed and hung in the wall of my office cabin proudly.  I used to obtain (certificate) for my CAT5 cabling in my office for structured cabling done. I should have paid a premium for the cable and RJ45 connectors.  CAT5 has become CAT6 and now optic and wireless within 6 years.....Company themselves are getting sold or changing brands every 3 years.

Finally after losing energy patience and some money, I have decided, that I will integrate each of these piece by piece myself by going to market and not browsing the internet.  Atleast i will get some learning.

a) Let me buy solar cells from a reputed company directly.  The cost of which I expect not to exceed Rs.50/- after subsidy per watt. I may need around 2000 watts to run 2 HP pump.
b) Then buy an inverter of 5 KV
c) Buy maintenance free batteries from a good company.
d) Buy submersible pump from the market which is proven for indian conditions and which can withstand fluctuating voltages.
e) Put the 10 x 10 feet pipe into the boring and connect everthing with local electrician and plumbers.

I am confident all of these can be done step by step. For example we can weld a solar frame to our convenience from a iron grill shop from where i made the gates.  Inverters are available from IT vendors. So also batteries.  Submersible is available readily in semi urban markets. They can be tested with inverter and battery.  Only I may have to invest in one or two consultants and some multimeters.

Wish me all the best. I have buying from my team over there.


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