
Saturday 8 February 2014

Battle against harsh weather and pests

Putting up tough stand against hot breeze
I could see that each plant is putting up a tough stand against hot wind blowing over there. Heat, Wind, frost, irregular watering and finally different pest attacks. The growing plants seemed to have a natural ability to sustain these vagaries. Should we react for each of the symptoms or watch it silently?. Best practices in natural farming suggest, do nothing but wait. Therefore we waited.  Earlier when a plant was attacked by some pests, I had suggested a concoction of Chillies, garlic and tobacco to be ground and its water sprayed. Our team had followed the prescription and certified it is working.

However some of the plants exhibited partial cut in their leaves. Subbu could not pinpoint the root cause. Some wild bird, caterpillar, some small animal - nothing could be ruled out as it happens in the night.

Some leaves had dead larve. They were inspected by large
Invasion against larve
black ants. They were all over. The ants seemed to have their head quarters near the water tank, feeding on the tender roots of yet unplanted nursary plants and from there spread out. That is a welcome move. Gradually a food chain is getting estabilshed. I mentioned to Kandan that even snakes should  be welcome in our farm. Only let us be careful to wear gum-boot if required. Otherwise ants, spiders, frogs, dragon fly, snakes, peacock, owl are integral part of a healthy farm.  Today i can spot different butterflies, dragon fly and few birds.

Migratory birds do cross the farm often. They come from different parts of the world especially siberia to the nearby Koonthankulam (not kudankulam) bird sanctury. One unidentified large bird, black in color with a fancy head gear was making loud cry from nearby power pole.  Perhaps I need to add few trees that are liked by those foreign birds too. Some opportunity to study them.

Ant Hill ?
Ant hills or termite hills, i am not sure were found popping all over the farm. That is another healthy sign. I told kandan to encourage these by not disturbing. That translates to no trampling, no ploughing for some time.  These will multiply if we use more of cowdung and related panjagavya.

I could not see earth worms. They will come only when the climate further cools down i suppose. or after the water pump is arranged and ground is wetted all over.

Overall I gave instructions to team not to use any sort of pesticide but wait and watch till predators grow. Even If i need to sacrifice few plants.  We will be under pressure once we start the vegetable farming. Especially brinjal and ladys finger. Need to prepare a strategy before that.


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