
Friday 7 March 2014

Farm Update on 07th March, Planning foundation for Wind Pump

The week went by planning for foundation and following up ABS. 

Foundation Planning
Ready mix concrete  costs Rs. 4500/- per Unit which is 1 Cubic meters. I need 3 Cubic meters. The cement company gave me a quote of Rs. 16000/- for mixing 15 bags of cement and prepare the mix. They also make too much fuss about distance and charge very high for transport.

On the other hand if I do manually say as follows, I think i will hit almost the same rate. However this will provide me a good and heavy mix of cement and gravel to support the tower.  It will also give employment to few. So I spoke to Subbu who accepted to supervise. Here I go;

1 Unit of Granite Stones = Rs. 1000 ( I already have some left from my gate construction)
Transport  = Rs. 500
Cement 15 bags x Rs. 350 = Rs. 5000
Sand = Rs. 4000
Labour = Rs. 4400 (4 No of Unskilled, 2 Skilled for 2 days).  Here I disagree with proposal of subbu as practically I have seen that it will keep going for two more days also. So contegency planning is required.
Drum for Water = 800 (Rent)

Total would be around 15500/-.  We start from Monday the digging once ABS would send their template and foundation bolts.

Tower Installation Planning
On the groundwork plan, I got some complex diagrams from ABS. I removed unnecessary details and simplified it so that team can understand how the whole things work.  Especially on erecting the tower, pre-planning is required.  ABS wants 12 meters free space to assemble tower on one side and 15 meters on another to pull the tower.  In my farm, there are fences very next to boring point, and a 400 Volt electric wire running between two poles at 15 meters tangent carrying electricity for neighbouring farm. It is something I need to get rid of my farm in the long run.   I still have plenty of space on either side of bore hole to provide for.

Here goes the diagrams prepared by me. They must be self explanatory.  The best part I learnt how an A - Frame is used to lift a tower. It is done without using much of resources and machinery. In fact none. Only one person is required to lift !.   There isn't much material in internet to refer to. Therefore I had to guess from given engineering diagrams and refer few photos to draw this.

The above is only illustration for our training. The actual implementation may vary a bit and we will come to know only when it is done in next 2 weeks.

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