
Wednesday 26 March 2014

Wind speed at Nachankulam - 83 days

The below is observation for the past 83 days.  This time I have provided two lines, one for day and another for night. This dipiction gives a different prespective. It also establishes that Day time wind speed is higher than night.  There was an error in assumption earlier that night wind was faster. But stands corrected now. Day wind is faster than night. 

Secondly there are long periods of low wind, both day and night. Between 10th and 18th February the wind speeds were below 3 Meters / Second.  Here 3 m/s is the minimum speed required to kick start the rotor of the wind mill. May be it could be 2.5 m/s as per manufacturer. whatever it is, keeping some safety margin is better.  Such long periods of low wind means, we need to store water when it is available and use it judiciously.  This can be linked to the earlier post of water tank. Water tank is must now to store water. 

The good news is there is WIND.  So next month once the new ABS windmill is up and running, i should hopefully solve the water crisis.

Presently water is still being pumped manually using handpump. Kandan is unable to cope with the heat and the hard work. One more worker is under considertation for appointment, preferably a women. Women employees are good at pouring water to each plant as per their needs. After all they are mothers. I want to establish a gender balance from the beginning. Once the wind mill is up, then kandan and the new worker can start the nursary farm and keep expanding... That is the idea.

Subbu has made all arrangements on foundations for the wind pump.  Using the template couriered by ABS, the bolts have been fixed in concrete pillars beneth the surface.  There was a proposal to remove the handpump now in order to fix the middle template given by ABS. That is required for holding the wind mill pump assembly and transmission gear. But this idea was ruled out by me and the team. We will remove in the last minute.  We need water till the wind mill is delivered anyway which is 10 days away.

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