
Saturday 17 May 2014

Labor Problem in the Farm and farm updates

Farm Labor
  1. The two new workers continue to come late despite several briefings to them. There was an SOS call from the farm yesterday. Otherwise soft natured, Kandan had taken courage to complain through Subbu that his companion workers are of no use. They continue to come after10 AM and  donot pour water, rest in shade and go home before sunset. Today around 30 plants had not been watered.  Due to summer heat they are dropping. Because of ommission by the new workers, yesterday Subbu called to discuss if they need to water in the night to save them. Kandan later postponed to today morning as he knows better about the plants. It has been decided to settle the accounts of the new workers at month end and look for someone else.
  2. Today my friend from Chennai called me to enquire on farm labours for his organic farm .  He was willing to pay much higher amount, provide housing including cable TV in his farm. All he wants is a couple who can stay in the farm and work sincerely. But alas! he has not been successful in getting proper workers. His farm is in a bit advanced stage. Though not much documented, they are growing organic millets, paddy, vegetables etc.
It appears that there are employment opportunities like this everywhere, but there is scarcity of labour. Mainly due to NREGA scheme of the Government, the farming people have quit farming and has become lazy. This is a lesson.

My strategy now would be to invite people below poverty line, provide them and train them.

Wind Pump

The wind pump is still not visible from ABS.  It is waiting for special containers to be made by a specific supplier. ABS is specific to pack even the tower (top portion) into a box. I wonder. But they are adament. Perhaps packing is required as it is to be sent through XPS logistics via several passes.  If all goes well, today they would have dispatched, if not on Monday.

Farm Update

Farming should be a parallel activity. Not waiting for wind pump which is getting delayed, we thought of doing rest of the work. The following could be some activities that will happen.

1. Ploughing:.  It was decided to plough, because of the incessant rain that poured 10 days back for a week, the soil is soft. Therefore one single run using tracktor will turn the soil and aerate the same. It will also control the weeds. Simultaneously i wanted to spray mixed seeds for manure growth, but the simmering heat has again started. The seeds will not sprout. Therefore for the time being only ploughing.

2. Compost Shed: We would need continuous supply of compost. Therefore wanted to make a small beginning. Need to construct a low cost shed and build a vermi compost tank with rough unfinished bricks. I am yet to send the design after which the work will start.  Cowdung for this will come from neighbouring cattle shed for the time being.

3. Bullock Cart: I am nostalgic about buying a bullock cart. Perhaps I will be the only farmer to buy bullock cart in 21st century. But neverthless, I need one or two. Option A is to order and make one. There is an artisan in nearby village, I heared. But I am not sure how much it would cost. Option B would be to buy one discarded. So far Subbu has got only a very bad dilapidated cart and has discarded the proposal. Need to focus on the same. Bullock cart will be used to cart cow dung, grass etc between farms.

4. Seeds: I need seeds of all varities, now to be stored for 2 months and used. Seed collection will happen by word of mouth through contacts. I may have to sponsor travel. Acquire by Post or visit myself.  Presently a seed bank need to be built. Simple one should be one room, with shelf and mud vessels/pots to hold the seeds. Seeds can also be struck on cowdung cakes and dried in the sun.

5. Farm Pond:  The lowest point in the farm where water has got collected naturally and retained by Subbu's effort should be a natural pond. I suggested digging further and cementing the floor with clay obtained from another pond along with Gypsum. Subbu did not understand what is gypsum.

I need to write a letter on all above points to subbu, otherwise they will forget.


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