
Saturday 6 September 2014

Farm Progress in Visuals

With No Rain, what best could be done.

So far there had been rain only for one day two weeks back since 8 months, with exception being a cyclone on May end.  There is no rain, no wind either. Windmill is stopped for 3 days at a stretch. Water is being purchased in water tank.  Next year we may not face that problem, as we would have stored water in the newly built water tank. But this year it was late by the time we built the fish tank.

Well, with the little water available from the wind pump in ration, Subbu is maintaining BAU (Business As usual) without much expansion. I am just holding back my dreams. However anticipating heavy rains starting next month, we are on the move to expand.  Below are some of the snaps obtained today.

The planning that was done earlier for irrigation is accomplished. And one more accomplishment is to bring all hitherto secrets of the farm out in open and tally along with spouse.

Raw materials for the tank. The tank bed or foundation is being watered

Tank Construction in progress. They have instructions to construct only two line of bricks. To add strength to the wall on long side, there will be dam like slops in two places.

Tank is ready. There will be no finish at the outer side to keep costs low and add aesthetic look.

Tank inside. 2 Feet of water present. See in the background the windpump and its tank. Excess water is supposed to flow into this large tank. Later we will put fishes in it. I am assuming the water pressure in this tank will be sufficient to drive the water to long distance without any pumping. Which is why i planned at ground above level with very less depth below ground.

A useful job that was envisaged for long time done.  Some more area has been brought under cultivation. Hope water will stretch. 

This is Subbu special. His first large scale Brinjal plot. The saplings are transplanted just now. Some of the portion will be left for seeds.  In the background one can see few wines of pumpkin and cucumber. Subbu has challenged that he will grow cucumber in large scale as it is 3 months old crop.  The idea is to make the surrounding green  while growing something for commercial scale.

These are green gram and pearl millet that i carried during my visit in July. Now it has grown. Experimental piece

Banana Progress. Some more leaves are seen in each tree. The root system seems to have got established. Still they are independent and have to be watered using rubber hose from wind pump tank. Notice the Casurina that has picked height. I hope next year it may not require much attention. This year all the effort went in safeguarding them from drying. It was a mistake to select non-native tree (Casurina) for the fence. It is drinking water.

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