
Sunday 28 September 2014

Rain Rain and Rain !

There is very heavy rain pouring over our farm since 3 PM today !.  Subbu called me to convey this good news. Next 10 days there is no work of watering.  I felt joy after many months. Now I fully understand what a joy the rain would bring to every farmer.

I guess this is the North East monsoon setting in.  As per metrological report, the South West Monsoon has already receded, officially.  While the entire India is looking dry, the rains have started in peninsular India. We are in Rainshadow region, the south west monsoon, blocked by a range of montains (white line in the picture).  Whereast the north west monsoon is free to reach the place. Hence we are confined only to 4 months of rain in a year.

I guess we need to act fast from now onwards.

a) We have the rainwater storage tank excavated and kept ready.  Need to observe water logging areas and create furrows for guiding the water to the pit.

b) Need to scatter the navadhanya (Nine grains) seeds as much as possible to enrich the soil with biomass.  The process is as follows;  Purchase a kilo or two of each of the seeds from different categories such as oil seeds, millets, food grains, green cover etc, mix them and spread on the field. Then 45 days later when the plants grow, before the flowering stage, till the soil to smash them. The organic matter will decay and create a richness to the soil.

c) Need to source local vegetable seeds

d) Need to identify one or two millets in large quantity for small commercial scale farming. Millets are in demand and I guess we can start experimenting with them first.


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