
Friday 17 October 2014

Water, Seeds and happy days have begun

Today the rains have started properly. Yesterday there were thunder and lightning. Subbu quickly dismissed my call as he was fearing lightning may strike an active mobile phone.

Last week there were two natural farmer friends who got introduced through facebook, They were different.  Unlike others they not only said they can send seeds, but also promptly mailed it across to my farm. Since this is my first purchase from a fellow farmer, I am very happy.

All organic farmers who are concerned about current state of affairs, generally have a courtesy to distribute seeds for free. Yes, that is how nature itself works. Seeds are supposed to be free. Somewhere down the history companies commercialised them.

Chandrasekharan from near Madurai sent the following rice seeds (paddy). They are worth gold. While the seeds were given by him free of cost, the material was sent through a lorry driver who took around Rs. 180/- for that.  Subbu had to intercept the vehicle near a highway to collect them. I was coordinating this meeting from Pune.   I told Chandrasekharan next time to send by regular post or courier. The charges are less.

1. Mappillai Samba - 1 KG
2. Athoor Kichidi Samba - 1 KG

Parameshwaran from Dindigul was generous to sent around 42 varities of vegetable seeds through courier which got promptly delivered at Subbu's home.  The total cost was Rs.400/-. All are native varities in small quantities, neatly labelled.  This is huge variety. I guess each will be spoonful or few seeds and must be carefully planted.

1. வெள்ளரிக்காய்-cucumber 25.பெல்ட் அவரை-village beans.3
2. வெண்டை-ladies finger 26.கோவக்காய்- Gherkins
3. மிளகாய்-Chilly 27.கேரட்-carrot.
4. சீனி மிளகாய்-mini Chilly. 5. குடை மிளகாய்- capsicum.  கீரை-greens:
6.முள்ளங்கி-radish 1.பால கீரை- Spinacea oleracea 
7. பீர்க்கங்காய்-ridge gourd. 2.புளிச்சைக்கீரை-Brown Indian hemp, Hibiscus cannabinus
8. குட்டை பீர்க்கங்காய்- short ridge gourd. 3.அரைக்கீரை-Marsilea quadrifolia
9.நீள புடலங்காய்- snake gourd lengthy. 4.சிறுகீரை-Amaranthus tricolor /Tropical Amarnath
10.குட்டை புடலங்காய்-snake gourd short. 5.மணத்தக்காளிக்கீரை-Solanum nigrum /Black nightshade
11.சர்க்கரை பூசணி-pumpkin.1 6.அகத்திக் கீரை-agathi
12.லாடம் பூசணி-pumpkin.2 7.பச்சை தண்டுக்கீரை-Amaranthus Caudatus / FoxTail Amaranth(green stem)
13.பாகற்காய்- bitter gourd 8.சிவப்பு தண்டுக்கீரை-(red stem)-Amaranthus Caudatus / FoxTail Amaranth
14.சுரைக்காய்- bottle gourd 9.கொத்தமல்லி-coriander
15.சாம்பல் பூசணி-ash gourd 10.வெந்தய கீரை-fenugreek
16.கொத்தவரை-cluster beans 11.கோவக்கீரை- Gherkins leaves
17.தக்காளி-tomato 12.முடக்கத்தான் கீரை-balloon vine leaves. 
18.காலிபிளவர்-cauliflower 13.முருங்கை கீரை-drumstick leaves
19.முட்டைக்கோஸ்-cabbage 14.கருவேப்பிலை-curryleaves
20.முருங்கை-drumstick 15.முளைக்கீரை-amaranthus blitum/ Amaranthus, Chinese spinach, edible amaranth
21.பச்சை கத்தரி-brinjal green. herbals:
22.வரிக்கத்தரி-brinjal violet 1. துளசி - basil
23-கோழி அவரை-village beans.1 கோவக்காய்- Gherkins use as a fruit, vegetable, greens.
24.தம்பட்ட அவரை-village beans.2 முருங்கை-drumstick use as a vegetable,greens.

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