
Sunday 16 November 2014

General Glance at the Farm on existing stock

It is long since we started these few Banana. I recall my update in August

The tiny patch of Banana trees near the tower is looking great. Subbu told this is a foot taller than the ones which are planted at the same time in his father's farm even after they using urea and other fertilisers.  Thanks for panjakavya / Jeevamrutham or the simple cowdung direct application.  (I donot know if Kandan followed everything).

Good to see the fence casurina also growing without interfering.

Looking like a professional farm. Ain't they ? I never thought it will become so cool. Proud of my team over there.
This is kind of centre of the farm. Not set yet. But can see the channel leading to rainwater tank. The freshly planted ones are some fruit trees obtained a week back from Nursary (story already covered).

The rainwater pond  is full with water. I must construct some stoppers around the banks, lest someone will fall inside without knowing the depth. This is however well within the farm compound. and water is not that much now as it was in this snap which was taken after the rains.

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