
Thursday 8 January 2015

Farm Update in Visuals - Jan, 2015

Bricks for Compost tank construction
Tapiaco Harvest. Very Juicy. 5 KG from one plant

Backup Water pumping using Kerosene engine.
This engine is portable and very handy to move water here and there

Banana Patch 

Sweet Potato. The weeds removed by hand. waiting for watering

Progress on 2nd Batch Bananas

Fence has grown. Next year we need not water them.
However Casurina is still shy and needs watering.
Wrong decision to have chosen this.

The fish tank. Subbu is worried it is reduced by 2 feet of water.
You can see the water mark. Rains have stopped.  Monsoon is over
Some Onions for fun
Bricks Van has got stuck in Mud. Tracktor come for rescue

The storage tank. This is reserve water to be emptied to Mud tank.
Fresh water from windpump will fall into this.  Shown in the picture is moss growth on water. This has been cleaned.

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