
Friday 23 January 2015

Feedback on Training and More Feedback

Feedback on Training:  

The team of two had attended the first day of training.  It was good they said, but all the steps mentioned were already being done by us. There were 10+ farmers who are practicing regular chemical based farming. Perhaps they would have benefited a lot. The lecture was about using natural additives to get the costs down and reduce chemicals. Using Kolinji for example. We are already doing that.  In my earlier conversation with the trainer I had mentioned that they can use our farm for training next time. He was happy and assured he will visit later.

That means we are going in right direction.  Subbu and Kandan introduced themselves, made friends,  spent time there and returned back. Though there was a fee mentioned, they had not paid anything.      Subbu was running fever and Kalakkad climate had made it worse.  Without Subbu, Kandan will not venture alone. He felt watering the plants back home is of more priority and returned.

The visit was however fruitful. The Vanagam team had promised that they will be able to help sell the produce from our farm to customers through their network.   That is very good news and a big relief.  

Feedback from a visitor:

Mr. Dhanaraj, a BSNL retired employee is a farmer now in Coimbatore. He has a farm land near Sivagangai and wanted to know about WindPump.  He had applied for electricity, but has not got connection yet. He is unlikely to get in near future.  Like any other new farmer even after spending money, bribe and waiting the connection will seldom come.  Therefore he decided to try wind power.  

Hearing through another young farmer Vinod, he ventured to travel to the farm from Coimbatore.  They landed by train to Nanguneri today morning and came to the farm by auto. He spoke to me over phone and appreciated all the efforts. He predicted that the farm will become a busy centre in 2 to 3 years and was highly satisfied with sustained practices being followed in organic farming.  I think they spent about 2 hours or more with Subbu and team.  I apologized to him for not having a proper chair to sit in the farm.  However there are parapet walls where I guess they would have rested.  Two learnings;
a) Need to expedite the garden bench project and a shade
b) Expedite simple fence around the rain water tank and clean the space to look better. 

Both these feedbacks made my day.

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