
Monday 5 January 2015

Jasmine and Banyan in Place, Subbu and women empowerment

Banyan Tree in place near the shed.
Subbu is proactive.  Before I opened discussion on pending check list, he has already completed few tasks silently.  A total of 30 Jasmine flower saplings have been planted by him.  This will bring the total to over 80 odd plants.

In addition one banyan tree to complete the eco-system is also planted near the resting hut.  That place is bang opposite to the main gate. It will also be a remembrance of the resting hut which served through these years from Hot and cold whether.  This spot is not so fertile.
Subbu appreciating Jasmine

We discussed about the mud quality for some time.  In general my farm has soil which will solidify like a rock if left without water for few days.  It is clay+sand+something.  Now the task is to make the soil more porous.  That can be done only by adding more organic matter. That means more cowdung, panjagavya, and kolingi plants.  The soil around each tree plants is being loosened as often.  Before planting coconut, the JCB was used to dig large pits of 4 to 5 feet. That is now giving dividends. The coconut is looking healthy and one fresh leaf is appearing it seems.

The two former women employees are still coming to farm on part time. Though not permanent workers, I have asked Subbu to engage them as much as possible to provide employment.  They have just completed three days of de-weeding work in the sweet potato portion. Now they will work near Banana trees and then will assist Paramu to build the fertiliser tank.

Poor Subbu in the hands of Urban Elite women
"Sir the banana and casurina are so thick one cannot go inside. Besides there are thick grass. Snake could be there. I am not sending ladies there he said"  I said good. Right decision

Then he went on "Ladies should not go near flowering banana, it will bring disease" !?.  Subbu should be exposed to upperclass women empowerment comittee I thought.  He will be torn into pieces. For now his theory should be accepted for validation.

For cowdung, one women (Rani) is bringing cowdung and cowurine daily. She is paid Rs. 400/- in a month. It will be used as fish feed and for preparing panjagavya. I asked one more drum to be purchased to make additional mixture.  I am restless to make more fertiliser as I feel this rate is not enough.  The Navadhanya experiment has failed twice.  Once the soken nava dhanya is spread all over, within 3 days they dry up instead of sprouting. This is because of the prevalent dry weather. We cannot afford to sprinkle water daily.

Meanwhile Subbu is using the small cement tank near the borewell for mixing Jeevamruthum already.  This tank was used as main water source when there was manual pump before windmill came.  I told him, we can put some tortoise in it.


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