
Tuesday 20 January 2015

Shade Roof retirement and plan ahead

File Photo: Shade Roof just after windpump installation
We had a simple chat and planned the week ahead. Subbu is suffering from cold and fever. He said he wanted to avoid "injection" which will cure instantly. He chose to drink potion prepared from herbs. That was a good decision considering the fact that he has easy access to Herbs.

Shade Roof

 One of the legs of the shade roof  has got broken and the whole shade roof has sat down. This was built with casurina poles and coconut tree leafs.  Served its purpose for 3 long years in harsh climate.
File Photo: Workers resting and chatting.
Climate was very very hot outside

This is the shade under which our team rested all the while. Subbu has stayed overnight many days. Entire farm development happened in front of this.  This was also the place we used to invite our visitors to take some rest. Just sit flat on the ground and serve them some coconut juice.

Wrought Iron Park Bench - To be procured
It is high time that we completly remove it and reclaim the space.  I told Subbu to plan for a smaller roof, again with good quality leaf roof.  Meanwhile I promised I will source artistic wrought Iron Park benches and send it over there.  It costs around Rs. 5500/- per bench plus courier charges.  Since this is non-revenue expenditure I am just holding it back. Opposition from spouse is also another reason. looking for a good time to open the topic.

With two benches and a roof, we can manage to create homely atmosphere once again.

Meanwhile the leafs from this old shade roof has degraded. So it cannot be re-used. They will be used as mulching sheets eventually.  I also asked subbu to check if this can be used to shade the newly constructed compost tank. Earthworms may require shade.


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