
Tuesday 3 February 2015

Birds and the Farm

While talking to Subbu I was asking him casually if we are getting winged visitors to the farm.  The answer was very important for me, but not for Subbu who is at ground zero. I told him that if our Organic farming is successful, then we must get more birds. That is the measurement.

He said lot of birds are coming without showing any emotion in his voice .  "Small big and large.  Sir, the fish pond is loosing its water. I need to refill it". He was more worried about it. I am not so worried as him, as I know we are getting enough fresh water pumped out by wind mill.

His worry was that if there is less water and fishes are growing they will be "exposed to the birds."  He theorized that nearby water bodies are drying. So when the birds finish them, they will finally come to this green patch to lunch on our fishes.  Valid Point.  He went on to take sanction from me to put a thin net at a later date.

Please take many photographs I said.  Wipe the camera lens and get closer.  I hope I will create a wildlife photographer out of Subbu.

Meanwhile what he said afterwards irked me.   He said some birds are also dying struck in windmill. how many ?  I asked.   "Sir so far around 5 to 6 have died".  What are they ?  "Two Mynah, two Wild Pigeon and one Gadai (Quail)"

How are they dying ?

"Sir I don't know. it is a surprise for me also".  Windmill rotor blades are a silvery glittering galvanised steel plates with 12 of them rotating in stable circular motion. There is no way a bird will hit this in a place which has very common electricity towers and high tension wires. The birds are used to avoiding such obstacles.

The mynah built its nest inside the rotor assembly and siblings came out.  Some time later the mother died there. Ok understood.  Mynah generally donot build nests unless they like that place. Here the assembly box is convenient for them. We may have to put a net for this box and prevent future nesting.

What about others ?  "Sir, the pigeon seems to be sitting on the blades when windmill is motionless. When it starts rotating, it is dropping dead !" But How ?  Even if they are sleeping on the rotor blades, when the motion starts, they must be thrown away. There is no reason they must die.

One thing is certain. Birds are not hitting the windmill on their flight. Atleast they are intelligent not to. They are dying when resting somewhere.

This is a puzzle that I need to crack.

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