
Tuesday 10 February 2015

Compost Tank Ready at last !

Sometimes the team does extremely well when you give instructions and leave it to their imagination.  We have a multi-skilled person called Paramu on the ground who is friend of Subbu.  Days togather he will be absent. But when he puts his tools, he creates wonder. One such thing is the Compost Tank.

I just gave an overview to Subbu and paramu over phone.  Low cost, holes for breathing,  two compartments etc.  Here is what they have created with least cost < Rs. 10,000/-. It is ready to receive the vegetable waste. Now I have to find the source for it. already I had told Subbu to be on the lookout at market yards and neighbouring farms.   The discovery is that no one is wasting anything. They are putting back to their soil.

These are large cement bricks (Size etc covered already earlier)

Foundation. the land is so chosen that nothing would grow.
Plus it is adjascent to the main gate which is to the left hidden in the picture.

Completed. Seen in the background is the green shade net.
Note that there are holes left between bricks. Actually it was made by stubbing the corners of each stone
When one compartment is filled with waste, the other will lye idle. Once this is filled, the other will start filling
thus i gues we will be able to shift the earth worms alternately.

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