
Thursday 5 March 2015

Farm Update 05-Mar-2015

Nothing significant happened in past 1 week. Past two days Subbu was busy filling the rainwater mud pond (30 x 30 feet) with water from the neighbouring well.  He was using their electric motor which runs on Govt Subsidy. "Why waste kerosene sir ?"  What he is attempting to do is to fill our tank with atleast 4 feet of water sucked from the kind neighbour. Currently there is only one feet of muddy water. He is so obsessed about the fish that he will do anything to save them.

Though this appears as simple task of just connecting long pipes and pumping water, the degree of difficulty lies in coordinating with there is electricity. That is erratic in this area.  In Subbu's village there was no electricity for 3 days last week. Some wire has snapped and Electricity board was responding slowly.

Villagers got angry as all their work has come to halt including agriculture. That is when I felt, we have made  wise decision of going for Wind Power. My farm routine was as usual as we donot have electicity in the first place to worry about.

"So what did you feed the fishes ?" - me.
" Oil cakes, husk, cowdung...". I asked him to put some cut vegetables also. I read somewhere fishes do eat cut cabbages. He said he will bring chicken waste in a day or two.

The following would be the three tasks for this week ahead

a) Construction of Shade Roof for visitors using stone 6 pillars, 2 tall iron poles and thatched roof with dry woven coconut tree leafs.

b) Get the polythene bags (which i have ordered) to be filled with mud and keep it in the green shade. This is to prepare a small nursary to grow vegetable seeds.

c) Purchase pipes, connectors and drippers for making drip irrigation to the fence trees to begin with.  This would be most important job.


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