
Monday 23 March 2015

Farm Update 23-Mar-2015 - Looking back Same day Last year

Routine work is important for any farm.  Our activities should sync with the natural cycle of plants and the weather. I guess there was a disturbance in that.  Today I felt we have come back.  Spoke to Subbu and started from where we left.

a) Need to take delivery of the polybags from Tirunelveli.  In the past 4 days, due to improper coordination of courier, we have wasted time. The consignment could be tracked upto to Tirunelveli branch. But their number was wrong in the Net.  Many phone calls and found the correct number. They said they had returned the goods. Enroute, I stopped the consignment from passing Madurai. Then again checked Tnly after 4 days only to find they had not returned. Due to lethargy, they have said so.  Subbu will go take delivery of the polybags.  (Cost 2000/- already paid)

b) Brinjal seeds have come from Paramez alias Parameshwaran from Dindigal through courier. (Cost Rs. 50/- already paid).

c) With the above, hopefully we should start the nursary in the newly made green shade

d) Given up on obtaining stone pillar for the Shade Pandal.  I am going to go for iron pipes for support.  3 backside, 3 front side and two on the middle either side is required.  Minimum height will be 12 feet.  Only the poles in Iron. The side sticks will be still casurina. I hope this time the pandal for taking rest will come nicely.  I need to plan simple lighting over there (Solar lantern).

e) Planning to visit the farm next month on my annual visit to Native.

f) The first batch of bananas have come for frutition.  Still there is another 2 months to go.

g) Once again water has become scarce.  Wind is not there.  Water need to be borrowed.  There is forecast of rain only next week. This week will continue to be hot, dry.  It is really a challenge to grow in the hot weather.

Last year what where we doing ?  When I took my own post same day last year, I was surprised to find we have come a long way.  At that time, we had not even installed the wind pump.  There was scarcity of water and manual pumping was going ON.  Just comparing two photos side by side. These are taken approximately from the same spot.

Last Year March.  Still the handpump is seen.  Wind Tower foundation is being laid. Note the dry patch opposite.
It is full of weeds. Casurina is still baby in the fence.

This year, taken in January.  Wind-pump installed.  Notice banana trees in the background.
The compound is not visible  The small tank that served when we pumped water manually
is now looking dwarf. It is now used to mix panjagavya

h) Fishes are not having enough water. We need to borrow some water

g) Subbu will be testing the drop irrigation only today/tomorrow.  It is laid and kept ready. But there was no wind or he had no time. Now tank is filled and need to test. If this hypothesis works, it will be a savior.

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