
Friday 20 March 2015

Subbu is absconding !

Atleast that is what I thought till i reached him 3 days later. His phone was giving status as switched off along with his home number. Initially I thought he had gone out for work to save his paddy. Even two days later also there was no response. I asked another known friend to look out for him. He visited on foot after a day and said their house is locked. I became panic because I am aware there is a communal riot going on in those areas. Something ontoward happened ?!

Finally Subbu was found lock stock and barrel. He said he was always available it seems on an old number which I never tried. Since his touch phone was under repair, he had taken his wife phone and used an old SIM. The new SIM, his phone and that of his wife were kept off.

Whew ! that was a near miss.

Then why did'nt he call me either. That was another story.

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