
Friday 8 May 2015

So Finally Shade Roof to beat the summar

The farm had a shade which fell few months back. Since then after many months of waiting to purchase stone pillars failed, we decided to use scarp iron poles to build a new one.  I left it to Subbu on the design part.  Only this time we wanted to raise the flooring.

This is what I sort of planned many months back and drew
on a piece of paper.
The following material goes into making a large shade roofing.
  1. 6 Iron Pipes,  4 of 6 feet and 2 of 12 Feet height costing 45/- Kg of iron totalling Rs. 4500
  2. 400 Nos Coconut tree leaves knitted  at 6/- each totalling 2400
  3. Skilled Labor for 2 days @ 500 each person total 2 persons = 2000
  4. Concrete for iron pillars and preparing the ground = 1000
The roofing is made of knitted dry coconut leafs. flooring is sand on raised pit.  It can host around 10 people comfortably or 15 people sitting.  It has come out little smaller than expected, but is cute and just enough considering many other aspects.  There is one issue, that is soil erosion on the sides. Have no idea how to contain that.  I also may need to arrange some solar lantern and a wire cot or bench.

And this is what achieved.  It is on a raised bed with Sand spread across.
There are bricks lined to decorte and hold the sand.
Originally i planned to spray cowdung. But that is not required now.

The roof inside

Kandan's Dog is the first soul to take rest.  Look at the relaxed posture.
He is enjoying his nap in hot Sun.
And my value addition. -  Hanging a mirror to a pole to groom oneself.

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