
Tuesday 30 June 2015

Farm update 30th June, 2015

1.     Subbu mentioned that the 25 odd Jasmine plants are giving daily around 250 grams of flowers.  But there is no means to take them to market. Presently it is consumed by workers.  Therefore we have decided to now go for 50 more plants so that we can get atleast 1 KG of jasmine daily. That will fetch Rs. 100/- daily income.  Hope so.....   As next step we need to dig large pits using JCB for planting new saplings (which has to be procured ofcourse from a nursary)

2.  Strange and surprise, there are no fishes in the large fish tank.  Finally only 5 KG of fish was harvested which was shared between the families of workers (Subbu, Paramu and two women workers).  what happened to all the fishes is a mystry.  Have they eaten one another.  Subbu says it should have escaped long back when there was rains and we had an outlet that was not closed overnight.  We could not see and count them thereafter as the water is too muddy.

We need to expand the water tank using JCB next week. Now that rainwater harvesting is a success and excess rains are there during rains, we need to now store them properly.  Therefore expanding the pond is the only option.  Will cost some money (Rs. 700/- per hour and Rs. 400/- per day (Driver Bata).)

3. Fertility of soil using cowdung manure is pending. So far only one vehicle load has been purchased. I asked him to go for few more loads. That will be done shortly.  The soil requires manure. Especially where we have harvested banana, the new banana baby plant may require nutrient.

4. The few banana bunches auctioned in Sirumalinji market has fetched Rs. 300, 270 or 250 depending on size.  Not bad. Not bad at all.  This gives encouragement to go for more banana crops in future. But they are water intensive.

5. Currently we have reached zero-sum-game on windmill water.   Daily 3 tanks are getting filled (3000 ltrs) and is getting consumed by existing crop.  No new experiments.

6. The new brinjal, tomato and lady's finger saplings are transplanted between the Red Banana trees.  They need to be watered regularly. Next posting may have photographs of the same.


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