
Friday 16 December 2016

Some Update 16-12-2016

There had been a spate of things past 2 months that kept me away from the blog.

Demonitisation was one very major event that happened affecting all the 130 crore population of India starting 8th November.  I was in no mood to write anything since then as I was busy tracking news items literally every hour that is still changing.  More about that later.....

The farm is in good shape. Subbu is at his best.  After a long spell of dry weather, the farm had received little showers 10 days back. Using that  the farm had been ploughed. Without telling me, Subbu had gone ahead and purchased 400 nursary plants of Jasmine teaming with other farmers in neighbourhood from the city of Nagapatinam.  I guess he had planted them.

There is no rain now.  The rain season that was supposed to be ON is no where to be seen. There had been two cyclones hitting southern peninsula, but they crossed shore around Chennai, north of the farm at 600 kilometers.

Farmers are at cross roads and are anticipating drought this year.  This is 3rd consequtive year without rains.  It is a challenge.

I want to take this challenge.  I told Subbu to work out a scheme as follows;
a) Go to nearby market and observe.
b) Due to demonitisation (removal of 86% of currency from the market by the Government), there is scarcity of cash.  Agriculture / farmers are dumping at the yards at throw away prices as they cannot afford.  But this is temperory. very soon, with this bitter feedback they will restrict cultivation. which means the price will sky rocket.
c) look for opportunity what vegetables that can be grown at this season which others are not growing.
d) Let us employ few who are out of work due to demonitisation.  Let us create some jobs.
e) Let us grow something. If it fails also ok.

I have not spoken to him for few days now.

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