
Wednesday 22 March 2017

Repeat problem in Windpump - a Solution

Just illustration
In the past 15 days itself the windpump had unwound its central sucking rod assembly twice. Each time it is painful to remove the entire pipe assembly 8 x 10 feet from inside the borewell along with a central sucking rod.  It costs for arranging labor, waste of time and loss of water for irrigation.

A sucking rod assembly is used to push and pull the pump plunger deep inside the borewell. The windpump will push and pull the rod assembly on every cycle of rotation in verticle direction. This creates a kind of friction and sound. An 80 feet rod assembly should weigh a cool 30 kg.

If the tower is not aligned in straight line to the bore hole - which is the case in our site, then we are in permanent trouble.  As per my estimate we are 6"inches off the mark to the centre. Therefore (i believe) during continuous operation, the wind turbine that swivels during change of direction of wind, unwinds the sucker rods even though there is smooth ball and socket joint at the nek.  The rods get disconnected anywhere deep inside or above ground level randomly.

Typical Sucker rod, goes at centre of water pipe
Since we have pump at 80 feet, there are 8 links and due to over usage the threads would have worn out.  We do have replaced one by one, welded and tried all tricks, but no use.  The power of wind is very high.

Now for a brilliant idea !.  I have decided (and take some risk) to replace the 8 x 10 feet sucker rods with single steel wire.  After debating for few rounds with Subbu I decided to go for thin stay wire thickness steel wire. Subbu wanted to go for thumb thick wire thinking that will not bend.

The thin stay wire will pass thorugh the 2" water pipe assembly to entire length, say 80 feet and get connected to the plunger assembly of pump.  My theory is (if it goes well), the downward movement of the pump will happen through gravity.  The weight of the last pump plunger assembly and one connecting sucker rod should be enough to keep the wire straight. During downward stroke will the pump operate without the wire bending ?. I guess yes. Because the downward friction is only due to a feet of water against which plunger should travel inside the tube. This will be offset by the weight of the one rod purposefully left connected.

So we are at action. Subbu had purchased 25 meters of steel wire rope at 3.5K INR at Tirunelveli.  He had also purchased a rod, cut into small piece and welded a ring o connect the wire.  He will be doing this experiment today / tomorrow.  Above the tower he will again loop the wire. But he has forgotton, taken it light or ignored purchasing a pully. I wanted the wire to go through a pully wheel that can guide the wire and keep it dead centre.  He will realise that soon.

1 comment:

  1. I never realized how effective a plunger could be until I used it to clear a stubborn sink clog. Every home needs one!
