
Tuesday 23 May 2017

Jasmine Flower first Sale

After a long time, it is satisfaction to know that Jasmine is flowering with a quantity that can be marketed.   Long dream come true moment.

The Jasmine bush has grown taller. With adequate pumped water now, they are flowering. I have asked Subbu to be more liberal on watering all plants. Never mind about diesel expenses.  Enough is enough. We need to see some cash flow to cheer ourselves.

Subbu, Sumati and her son are picking flowers starting early morning at 6.30 going upto 10 AM in hot Sun.  Sumati works ad-hoc for Rs.150/- a day wage and is compensating for absense of Kandan who is sick.

According to Subbu it is a painstaking job to pluck flower buds.  A large aluminium bucket full of flowers will weigh only 2 KG.  It sells at 150/- per KG.  Today they plucked 2.4 KG. Yesterday 2 KG and day before that half Kg and so on..... Hope the flowering will continue. I understand the market price is fluctuating and today the price was Rs. 200/-. Good.

Our flower is organic. But there no special deal as of now.  It gets mixed with others in Market.

Subbu has to deposit this in Moolakaraipatti market from where it will go to Tirunelveli.  They have put a "notebook" and noting down. At our farm also Subbu is noting down. I spoke to him today and asked to buy a good Weighing Scale for ourselves from Tirunelveli for max 10 KG Weight.

The Sun is so hot and shining that nothing else can be planned as of now. Rain is not in sight. However it is raining all over the place except our village.  (This is a rain shadow region). I told Subbu that this year it will rain heavily when monsoon comes (Oct-Nov) as there had not been any rain in the past two years.  Hope so.

(At the moment there are no snaps. Will insert them tomorrow)

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