
Wednesday 2 August 2017

Dire need to start a new Initiative, an alternate business.

Currently the mood in the farm is sober. Still the first rain has not come in two years.  There is complete drought.  People are suffering. I was in general talking over phone to few of villagers who frequent our farm in search of some work.   I do keep creating some work. But it costs to pay the wages.

With this background,  was talking to one of the woman.  Enquired how she is managing her household.  In village when a women especially a widow with  two children have to manage the life  it is very difficult because the options are very limited. They are far and few. In her case she has a cow and some piece of land. It is dry though. Well is also dry. Her sons are studying.

Not long ago, there was an SOS call from her. I promptly helped with some money. That was 3 months back. No call after that.

Last few days back she called to thank me for the timely help. Her son had met with a bike accident and was fractured. Her father was not nearby. She had to manage alone, get him admitted. Now it is healing.

And she went on...after some persistence to narrate what happened she told this........which was very heart breaking.... Said she had attempted to borrow some Rs.1000/- from an old man in that urgency. In return that guy asked for her chastity.  She was so angry and felt helpless, which is when she seemed to have called me for help.

I further understood that molestation is commonly done by people who lend money. They use the helplessness of these hapless mothers.  Something must be done. I cannot leave people whom i know in distress.

I MUST start a small business. I have decided.

Since past few days,  every morning I am discussing with Subbu on starting something in the farm that can employ few people.  I have the fenced farm, electricity, generator and space. Why can't we put them to use?  This small business should provide employment. Must be village based, organic and value add so that we can sell.

May be lemon pickles, Dolls from palm leaves, spices, condiments - whatever is possible. I asked him to explore for new few days, visit the local stores observe what is selling etc.....

I gave assignment to Subbu to make ready the sprinklers which was brought last year. Let us create a vegetable bed. I will sow "manathakkaali", "Sundakkaai" and "moor milagai" to begin with.  We can grow them, sun dry, salt, pack and sell.

I will renew my site and start developing some web pages to attract the customers.  May be try some avenues to book orders. We can also target the well-to-do brahmins who visit nearby town every now and then for some or other festivals.

An idea is born......Let's hope

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