
Monday 25 September 2017

Next Steps - Marketing the produce.

Refreshing to see the cucumber already flowering. 
I need to plan in advance for marketing what will grow. Last few times, it did not go as planned or dreamt.  More often after we harvest that we think how and where to  sell.

In the past we have had very small yields. I would want to call it as experience or learning.  Not any more.  We need to now create sustainable growth. Enough of wait and investments for the past 7 years.

Still space to spread out.
Today I woke up and made first call to Subbu. I did not check if he is listening to me or not. But I went ahead. My plan as follows;  This is in three steps.

a) In the beginning the yields will be in small quantities. The cucumber has already started flowering and some early pieces are already visible i was told.  So we need to invite the hawkers and small carts.  These hawker (generally old village women who carry things on their head) will accept anything in small quantity, go on foot and sell at door steps.

The 100% organic vegetables will get the same price as others. If they compete in open market it will also fail as comparatively in color and texture this will be inferior in visual attraction. Therefore this has to be sold in word of mouth. People should eat and realize how tasty it is, how harmless it is. They must know their place or origin. May be visit one family outing to the farm.

Therefore our span of supply should expand slowly from ground zero.

b) Then open one shop in nearby town. I already mentioned this. I attempted to call an aunt whom i have in mind and who had agreed to open a shop in veranda of her home. But she is out of station. Otherwise this can be opened anywhere and provide one part time employment to one person provided there is regular supply of vegetables.

c) Then move the produce in bulk to either marriage hall, monastery or the nearby town and door deliver to VIP and officers homes at a premium.  That is a while away now....

Subbu acknowledged positively. He even said that he had identified the hawkers and earlier too he had given to them. It is do-able he said. That is great.

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