
Thursday 23 November 2017

Farm Update 23-Nov-2017

1. The wind pump and tower painting with Green and Aluminium paint has been completed. The support structure dismantled and vendor informed to take and go.

2. The pump is not connected. It may be connected to the borewell today.  The foot valve had been overhauled. Subbu told the windmill is running freely. Hope it will run on load. Not much wind though.

3. The small anemometer that was long back dismantled will be fixed in the tower.  This was the instrument that helped me decide before I brought the windmill.

4. Vegetable is a sorry story.  None of the vegetable is growing properly. As per Subbu seeds of pumpkin or snake guard has not even sprouted.

5. I asked him to destroy and create raised bars with tractor. Subbu is also planning the same.

6. I suspect right amount of moisture is not there. Sprinkler is the best option. I have been asking him to experiment one. He has to weld a sprinkler head on a tripod so that it becomes portable.  I will follow.

7. Spoke to Aunty to check when she is coming. She got inspired and gave many ideas. One of which is making a film or documentary on organic farming.  I said all that later. Now it is important to generate and sell vegetables. Word of mouth, few pamphlets and a flex board should do.

8. Subbu said he will buy more seeds today in Tirunelveli. His other profession is a television cable business. Due to lightning some of the cable junction boxes had broken.  So he is going to Tirunelveli for some work.

9. We need to plant more trees. I inspired him to hire volunteers from schools.  Told we can support. Let us call local Village officer and create any activity and connect.

10. Like any other project this vegetable selling business is going to take its own time. Patience. Patience. Patience.

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