
Thursday 24 May 2018

Windpump Rotor blade interchange

As planned already, finally the day has come for action.   A tall stage has been constructed around the windpump to reach upto the rotor fan and change each of the blade. As told already, the blades are having their convex side facing the wind. It must be the concave side as per aerodynamics.  This correction or change is to be carried out today.

However there is very heavy rain as reported by Subbu from ground Zero. A special team had constructed the tower earlier. Subbu had called for 2 boys who are expert in climbing and working in towers. But no work today. I hope they will safely do the work. Post this picture there was some more safety poles constructed.

Closeup of the rotor.  These nuts have to be removed to free the blades. Then each have to be turned
back and re-fitted.

The stage atop looks fragile. Have asked to add more strength and cross bridges for comfortable

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