
Monday 30 July 2018

Windpump correction for more water and Smooth Flow

The windmill.
Windmills are romantic.

My windmill is now running very smooth. Subbu says this is first time after several years that no sound is coming while it is operating. Various initiatives taken recently has ensured that. But one more thing is pending. That is my long standing dream.

I want to increase the volume of water output.

Bottom of windmill with
boring mouth.
Here is where I will
be fixing the below equipment.
The issue is, currently the windpump is designed to pump 10cm (4 Inches) of water in one stroke. My submercible pump  (footvalue) on the other hand is capable of moving around 45 CMs (17inches) of water.

So I need to "Amplify" the mechnical motion of windpump.  Here is the design I made out of my mind. I used sketchup software (trial freeware).

Yesterday I went to couple of workshops in pune and discussed with the mechanics. One shop has lathe machine and another is welding. I had to go twice to meet them with printouts.  They agreed to make this. I am doing it locally in Pune and will be transporting this to my farm (around 900 kms) across.  I want to do this under my supervision till final design takes shape. I may want to simulate here. I am in touch with Subbu to send measurements of the base etc.....

The idea is to amplify the rocking motion of the windmill pump rod.
Notice the crevice on the top of the pump to allow freedom of movement. Then
look at the diagram below.

This design is to allow some freedom for the vertical movement which may sway
bit due to semi circular motion. Here I want to keep the rod going to boring well steady and absorb the
movement through the cantilever.

This cantilever type (yellow) will amplify the stroke.

Top to bottom view. I want the components to be removable so that Subbu can take it for modifications if any.

Counter weight to support the weight of boring rods (of around 80 feet). this will make the pumping light
weight and will not "stress" the windmill which otherwise have to lift the weight.

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