
Monday 10 June 2019

Farm Update 10-Jun-2019

I am providing a farm update as a check list; Each of these items deserve a separate story by itself and am Intend to cover that as I keep writing.

a) Subbu and Supervision
b) Windpump under repair
c) Condition of Farm and my recent visit
d) Verticle windpump research:

a) Subbu and Supervision

Coordination with Farm supervisor Subbu reached frustrating levels and now a new normal.  He just doesnot respond for several calls or even days. When responds, he makes false promises. Always has some excuse or the other on hand. The half truth is, his smart phone has got screwed up. It was an "Oppo" which fails on speaker ring volume. For several days he missed business calls, then gave it for repair at authorised service centre. As usual the centre with juniors took 15 days to send phone to another city and permanently damaged the phone. I Hope he has done something about it. After long interval, he could send some snaps of windmill (under repair).

Subbu was'nt attending the farm regularly, which I sensed thorugh his never ending excuses. Later I learnt that he was helping his mother-in-law build her own house in a small town called Eruvadi, under minimum budget of 25 lacs. He seemed to be doing daily sortie on his bike to the construction site around 20 Kms one way which now he regrets. Finally his hard-work was not appreciated, mother-in-law donot like the house which was built to her specs. Anyway Subbu is back on farm.

Subbu's family has expanded. His 3 children are studying and growing. He needs more money. He has brought a second hand car for 57K which he was happy about initially. I heared he washed it, tended it daily and decorated with jasmine flowers from our farm. His joy lasted not long.  Recently he regretted he brought the car. His MIL, sister & family were driving him to crazy reducing him to a driver on waiting. He got so vexed he removed a wheel and delcared it broke-down !

In any case, I had several hard talks and inspiring talks with Subbu. He need to realise that only by systematically working for "tomorrow" that we can comeup in life. That "tomorrow" can come through agriculture or allied activities (like manufacturing windmill itself). I wanted to impress him with thought that we need to do "some business" and for that he must pay attention now.



  1. why dont you move to solar power for water pump. it would cost about 3 lacs for a 10 kW power plant. no maintenance. just wipe the panels once a month.

    1. Dear Sunil, thanks for the suggestion. I guess you have not gone through all my old posts. I have considered this earlier and discarded. Solar is vulnarable to vandalism. If I put solar, i have to maintain it. Protect it in the night also etc.... they all add to hidden cost. Moreover I am not willing to spend more money now.

  2. ideally solar panels have to be placed on a RCC roof of a house. this will give them more sunlight, security & less mud/dust accumulation.

    1. The farms will not have such a house. Only one room. As I mentioned, it will be vandalised easily. Theft in farms is common. Anything worthy will be looted or destroyed.

  3. Hi Ji, Good to hear after long time. Getting someone dedicatedly supporting in farm activity is tough these days, all are having personal targets and pressure from family.

    1. Hi Soundar: thanks for encouraging words. You are right.
