
Friday 3 January 2020

Farm status in Visuals Dec-2019

This is the maximum clarity that Subbu can shoot of the farm with his faulty camera phone. Something is better than nothing. This also after lot of persuasion, he could send because his touch screen is almost dead and he had to blindly operate the smartphone.  These photos must be Nov, Dec of 2019.

The portion adjascent to the Windpump tower. This is a beautiful place because on one side you have boganville and other side you have tower. Middle few plantain trees.

The newly planted banana trees near the windpump. After 2 years, it is being planted again in this area. It must be grown now. Photo is one month old

The lake: Finally having a natural setting. There are no fishes here. 3 times attempt has failed. They are fast depleting by snakes/frogs or getting washed away in rains. 
The patch of jasmine bush.  This is now manicured (cutting the branches) so that during summar it will start flowering. Presently Zero Flowers.  While market is selling Jasmine at Rs. 2000/- per KG.... Missing the opportunity for not being there and mending.
The hybrid red coconut
The newly added mango tree, part of the new additions

Nice to see few trees on the Northern border. However I am not that impressed. This corridor was supposed to be planted with more trees and was always a follow-up point in every conversation. My logic was that the warm air enters the farm from the north during severe summar. The trees were to reduce the intensity of warm air.  I see only one Neem tree now.

Well, just as you enter the farm, this will be the scene from the main gate.  Trees are maturing. The road will wind and lead to the windpump. My verticle windpump project is going fine here. I am keeping it low profile. 

Presently making some progress. Once that is completed I will annouce to public. Then I may get some visitors to the farm also who may want to see the larger windpump. I told Subbu to keep it clean, running.

This is how it gets flooded when rains. The water stagnation is a new problem. Due to climate change either draught or too much of rain in one shot.  The soil is clay. Water will drain only slowly. It will affect the sapota plants.  Whatever it is, the sapota planted few years back is still not grown tall. The entire farm has rock beneth with less soil. Trees are not growing tall. This is another challenge

Paramu, who is undergoing family issue due to his teenage son is seen pensive near a cow gracing. Grass grows on its own. It needs to be cut around each trees and that is the job of Kandan I guess.

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