
Friday 6 March 2020

Hope and Way forward with Jasmine

It has been several months now that from Remote, I felt helpless for not being able to control the farm.  My onground employees Subbu and Kandan were seem dodging my calls or followup. I had no clue of what is happening because there was no proper communication.  There were tons of excuse why something did not happen. But no good news anytime

There were failures of windpump tower, loosning of screws, falling of bolts, lack of attendance, crop drying up, floods, drought, high electricity bill, faulty generator and so on..... I almost lost hope.

But somewhere I was holding on to hope. Was never using hard words. Kept inner calm. Allowed time to pass.  Subbu also felt very embarrassing to take my calls. He avoided.  Later i learn, he cannot communicate on ground situation. He is used to communicating good news or no news.  But i wanted bad News also. After all I am a solutions Manager by profession. ( In IT).

Now things are looking better.  Jasmine has given hope. All hardwork is giving dividents.

Today also as a routine called him and spoke heart out.  He was but very happy and sounded better.  The fact is all these days, he was feeling guilty for not being productive.  Not his fault though.  Jasmine has given hope now.

Jasmine is selling at around Rs. 400/- to 600/- per KG.  But i believe local labor is asking Rs. 350/- as wage.  This is not affordable. Therefore he brings his wife and plucks flowes in hot Sun. She gets some 250 grams of flowers to take home.  Which lady is not fond of flowers ?

My jasmine flowers are of very high quality.  The scent is mesmerizing.  I never expected (Nor Subbu) that it will start flowering so soon and so much . 

I wanted to do an experiment of asking Subbu to send the flowers by flight, I receive it here in Pune and sell it at Rs. 1000/- Kg. Why not ?  Need to explore...............


  1. Ji, it's common among the farms. Ground situations are tough to manage. All walk over knife to meet the timeline. And need to pay extra money to achieve that.

    When we calculate ROI, it's hard to get answer. But, unexpected flowers, fruits makes us happy and gives energy to spend further.

    Sentiments only running the show. But everyone is having the 'Hope' that things will change and we will be appreciated.

    It's hard to align with natural farming, organic and building eco system.

    Good that Kandan and Subbu are putting their efforts to keep the farm at this stage. It's really tough and appreciating their contribution!!

    This will change!!

  2. Wow! Finally the farm has some life. The greenery is amazing! Not only the greenery but also the dead leaves are manure. Its amazing you could achieve so much without live animals living on the farm for fresh dung and urine.
    It think the question to ask is... "Would we plant/harvest something if its price is Rs1/kg in the market"? If we would and still make a profit that that would be amazing!
    Beans, Watermelon, Papaya and Bamboo are those plants which we MUST plant even if we do not get Rs 0.10/kg in the market. They just grow and grow... you just cannot stop them. The profit is not in its sale the profit is how they change the soil and protect it with their leaves.

    1. I really appreciate the different thought you are bringing to the table. Will give a try. You are right Perinnials and those plants that grow like an invasive weed are inspiring.

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