
Tuesday 29 August 2017

Ice Factory !

Somewhere Subbu got this idea from his friend. Earlier I had asked him to come with suggestions on starting small business at the farm for sustenance. He seemed to have also discussed with the farm workers Kandan and the two ladies. He also met a friend who is already doing ice business.   So when i poked him yesterday he came with this proposal. He was so obsessed about this idea that he did not allow me to intervene for quite some time.

"Sir, let us keep one ice factory. We can make ice sticks, block ice and distribute. It requires only a small investment of 2 to 3 lacs. Only 3 machines are required. All job with machines. Can give job to 3 people including one night watchman. Small vendors will come and pickup on their own vehicles. They will go out in three routes. Cover all shops, schools...  Rasna juice, color ice, milk ice.... We have water. we are not selling water, but only ice.  Sir we have electricity. Only a shed is required to be constructed. This investment includes that....."

Hmm. I tried to counter argue. I said we should not "deviate" from stated objective. Anything that we start should be related to agriculture directly otherwise we will loose money.  He said he visited the Lemon Farm nearby and found all the trees have gone dry beyond any recovery. Otherwise we could have made pickles.  He is on the ground zero. He knows what is possible, not possible and what is moving. What are likes and dislikes of villagers.

Ice !! That is what is in his mind.  We have good tasty water. What else is required.  But investment is not small. So I told, let us think more on this further. get more ideas.   But the thought that school children will be sipping ice from sticks is mesmerizing.  Especially in Summer.

But he was still sticking to ice factory. Perhaps he has a point.  He insisted I discuss with Madam (my wife).  I dred that conversation with my lady. It can back fire. I need to prepare the ground for conversation.

Meanwhile I told Subbu that our priority is vegetables, then more vegetables, greens, distribution, organic shoppe, perhaps a cow, milk and then eco tourism.

But he wants ice factory. That is do-able.  "Sir if only you were here, we would have started so many things...."

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