
Wednesday 13 September 2017

Farm in Visuals - 13-Sep-17

last 15 days saw two rains. Good rain that filled the pond to the brim. Subbu told there was water logging for a feet around coconut trees and he wants to evacuvate. But all this for one day only. Next day he said all water had been absorbed by the parched ground like as if nothing happened. Anyway it was good news.

Sowing season.  He is on a spree to sow as many vegetables as per my request. I want to grow assorted varieties enough to fill a small shop. Let us see..... Cucumber and sweet potato, he has put in larger area.  Brinjal, tomato etc in small pieces.

Water confidance is there. Past one week there were trouble shooting of water pump that was going ON. (Separate story later).
The roots are being taken from the suckers (banana) from Eruvadi village (someone's farm)
Subbu wanted to plant atleast 200 banana trees. He had told this farm owner beforehand.
But due to drought the farmer was not willing to give anything. He was using the banana
trees as cattle feed which was scarce. Now after rains, he is giving.

Not my farm. As written above the roots are being extracted

Extracted roots.  Earlier Subbu used to say this need to be kept dormant for a week before sowing
This time he is restless. It will be planted same day.

I guess cucumber wines are sprouting. The space on either side is for it to spread out on the ground.

Look at how the plants had dried earlier. Now new leaves are sprouting on coconut saplings

Just to make a point. Look at how the farm is dry. Hope it will become fertile in coming days.

The tubers are kept in position in our farm before sowing

What he intent to show is beauty of boganvilla combined with sown banana roots

A morning scene near the wind mill tower. Look closely to see that the banana has sprouted. This is latest image

Nice to see some water logging and greenery.

A closeup.  The staff must be in joy to see the plants rejuvinating.

The technician is checking the voltage. Big story later

Water at last after 4 days of fighting with a Texmo pump.  It was found later that the 220 Volt 10 amps current
was not sufficient to drive the 3 HP motor deep 300 feet if we use aluminium wire. This needs 16mm copper cable. (more story later)

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