There is a Sastha Temple near my Farm. A small one. That is a big landmark for me from the time I was doing site survey 3 years back. It is even visible in Google earth map. This small temple had a tinned roof supported by Palmyra wood (Borassus flabellifer) which was the only shade in the few kilometers radius. I
used to discuss and dream about my future plot from under this roof.Very hot in summer. The temple was constructed at an elevation on level with the village bund road, reclaiming a portion of a pond. The pond would be filled with rain water to the brim during rainy season and would dry up soon. My plot is just in front of the temple - the other side of the bund road at a lower level.
I have great devotion to this Sastha, for my "kula Deivam" (family deity) is also a sastha. But he is in nearby village called Chirumalinji officially called Rajakkalmangalam Peruvembudiyar. From the beginning i had been dreaming of developing this temple also along with my farm in whatever way possible. Since the temple is a resting place for all passers by, it must be open, green and simple in its future outlook - more of bamboo, wood and less of cement.
One day in around July, 2012 during heavy wind knocked the roof of this temple which stood almost 80 years. I was told by the Dharma Kartha, now above 70, that he was born under this roof. The roof gone, temple was exposed to hard sunshine. I was told the roof also knocked down the Ayyanaar statue which was beside. This photo I took before that. That was a shock, but a truth which everyone had to accept. Perhaps destiny had it that way. Perhaps the Sun God wants to unite with Sastha. I was expecting quick action from the committe who takes care of this temple to put a roof. To my surprise, nothing happened. They did not even visit for days togather. One full year went by and annual puja was also celebrated. But they put a temperory roof and promptly remove after the function. Still the Sastha is without a roof. I later learnt that such actions are generally taken slowly.

In any case Sastha looks more beautiful now in open space. Perhaps I need to plant few nice flowering trees around till the committee would decide to build a pukka shelter. I was told by Dharma Kartha that he indeed took permission from VAO for such a construction, but did not get any further help from his clan. He is too old and far away from temple to reach here and do the needful.
Hopefully there is something cooking in the minds of devotees on how to go about for a pukka roofing. For myself I have decided to donate a Stone Lamp Pillar (Kalvilakku). Beautiful oneas are being made in Kerala.
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