Is that so ? Could be ! is what we should think. It is umpteenth time that the rod assembly is unscrewing itself, especially during the night. Whereas in day time the windpump is working very well. Subbu had spent entire day watching carefully to check if the rods are twisting to unlock itself and setting the windpump free. Nothing happens. But when you retire home and come next day morning... Lo ! Windmill is rotating free and fast without pumping water. The pump is dead and disconnected......
No proper explanation. All options are tested and ruled out. Is it mis-alignment, pressure, erractic wind.... At one time, Subbu even welded the pump togather with connecting rod, and the welded joint was found broken promptly next day morning deep inside the borewell.
Who could have done it ? "Is there ghost on the windpump ?, I asked Subbu.
"Not likely sir, Sastha (God) is watching it. We have done enough pooja (worship) already", Subbu told. Incidentally the Sastha temple is overlooking our farm. So no issues.
But it could be due to "Dhrushti". (Mangalik dosha or the gaze). The windpump is so beautiful, people have popped their eyes on it....May be. Subbu had already made special pooja. The scarecrow however is pending to be made and installed.........
Well, he fixed it for umpteenth time. Each time we hire two more workers which cost money on labor charges. Atlast 4 people are required to pull the pipe assembly from borewell. The inner rod assebly, the outer pipes and filled water weigh heavily. Plus there is task of holding the windpump propellers from rotating and aligning... Tiresome work when you want to repeat every few days.
Now he has put back old pump and 1.25 inch pipes, removing 2 inch pipe. It is working fine for the past 2 days. Hope it will continue.....
Meanwhile I have spoken to ABS company and appraised of the situation. Sought for new washers for the Foot valve.
In parallel I made three diagrams of three different proposals on Microsoft Power point and made slides out of it explaining diagrammatically for fixing the problems. Made a video out of it using windows movie maker with my voice over and sent the DVD to Subbu yesterday. Let us hope something works to fix this permanently.
There are three ideas that should work;
a) Creating a "H" joint to compensate for displacement of centre alignment.
b) Creating a "T" in the rod assembly such as a Jesus Cross so that the "Hands" of the cross dash against the tower preventing any rotation
c) Creating a "A" triangle shape from the tower to centre to keep the rod in its position when moving up and down.
More on that later.....

Who could have done it ? "Is there ghost on the windpump ?, I asked Subbu.
"Not likely sir, Sastha (God) is watching it. We have done enough pooja (worship) already", Subbu told. Incidentally the Sastha temple is overlooking our farm. So no issues.
But it could be due to "Dhrushti". (Mangalik dosha or the gaze). The windpump is so beautiful, people have popped their eyes on it....May be. Subbu had already made special pooja. The scarecrow however is pending to be made and installed.........
Well, he fixed it for umpteenth time. Each time we hire two more workers which cost money on labor charges. Atlast 4 people are required to pull the pipe assembly from borewell. The inner rod assebly, the outer pipes and filled water weigh heavily. Plus there is task of holding the windpump propellers from rotating and aligning... Tiresome work when you want to repeat every few days.
Now he has put back old pump and 1.25 inch pipes, removing 2 inch pipe. It is working fine for the past 2 days. Hope it will continue.....
Meanwhile I have spoken to ABS company and appraised of the situation. Sought for new washers for the Foot valve.
In parallel I made three diagrams of three different proposals on Microsoft Power point and made slides out of it explaining diagrammatically for fixing the problems. Made a video out of it using windows movie maker with my voice over and sent the DVD to Subbu yesterday. Let us hope something works to fix this permanently.
There are three ideas that should work;
a) Creating a "H" joint to compensate for displacement of centre alignment.
b) Creating a "T" in the rod assembly such as a Jesus Cross so that the "Hands" of the cross dash against the tower preventing any rotation
c) Creating a "A" triangle shape from the tower to centre to keep the rod in its position when moving up and down.
More on that later.....
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