Saturday 12 December 2015

Crabs are Helping Fish Escape

It is raining continuously in my Farm for the past many days.  Unable to do anything. Even tracktor with cagewheel is getting caught in the loose mud.

Some of the crops like Coconut and Jasmine has already turned brown due to chocking of roots in water logged condition for long time.  Drinage of water is limited as water is everywhere.

Subbu is confined at home.

Meanwhile I asked Subbu "How are the fishes ?".
"Sir Crabs are biting the net and fishes are trying to escape" was the answer Subbu gave.

I was pleasantly surprised.  Crabs ?  "Where the hell from where they came ?".  "Don't know sir."

It appears the crabs are biting the net that is in place preventing fishes from passing through the outlet conduit of the mud pond.  So there are fish, crab, Snakes,  Rat, Rabbits and some birds in the farm.

Subbu told he has taken photo of snake, but did'nt send it. I insisted he send.  I need all animals in the farm.

That is complete ecosystem.

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