Tuesday 17 July 2018

Farm Visit and Update in Visuals June, 2018

I had been to my native in the 4th week of June, 2018 to attend an unprecedented temple festival. That was a festival that will happen once in 100 years or so and therefore donot want to miss the opportunity.

While there, I visited the farm thrice.  Some of the pictures are below.  The best part is my extended family visited the farm. This is the first time I am exposing the farm to my own family consisting of my sisters and brothers.

Shown here is few pictures away from the usual.  

The rock mountain on the way to the farm. It is already etched and getting further eaten away
by granite mafia or m-sand innovators.

Sastha Temple near the farm.  He is well settled.  Only I did not find time to worship near.

The 3 year old coconut tree has already started fruting.

Red Coconut 3 year old

Jamun fruit tree. The Jamun is so tasty. It is organic, you just pluck and eat.
Unfortunately we have no takers (buyers) for this in the vicinity. It is getting wasted.

Subbu in pensive mood.  There is no water in the farm. There is a transformer breakdown in nearby locality deprivingg
electricity for atleast 10 farms. For past 4 days the plants have not been watered.  Same time windmill had been disconnected and kept because of lethargy, he had been postponing connecting it. Same time the oil engine also failed. Some electrical issue. He was embarrassed when we visited several  times.  That is the reality and must be faced.

The farm pond. There is water. But pump ? Planning for a small pump.  The existing kerosene pump will drain more water. Need just 1 inch water.

The one and only surviving vegetable is brinjal. All other vegetable patches are dry. Not mended properly.
I guess when Subbu was away to Tirupati, Kandan did not attend as he was busy for his own family function.
In farm, if you donot tend a patch for more than 3 days, you will loose it.

Banana Trees.  Asking for water.  There is sunshine too. 

Extended family. Sisters, cousins.

They had great entertainment. This is may be first time they are seeing a farm in close quarters.
They were free to pluck and eat anything. Most of them spent time taking selfie images.

Banana. Country variety.  Currently I am making loss. The whole bunch sells
at Rs. 50/- only in our locality (more on that separate post).

Enthusiastic crowd. Look at their faces pointing in different directions, as if they entered amazon forest.

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