I was surprised when Subbu pointed to a distance and expressed his sadness. What is there ? what happened I asked. Before he answered we reached there. This was when I visited the farm in the first week this month.

There I saw a wild rabbit having got caught under the fence met with a gory death. The diamond knitted fence had a small opening at the bottom. Small animals can creep in. I guess Kandan or Subbu had blocked that passage casually with thin tie wire. This Rabbit in a hurry to get inside had got its neck entangled on this loose thin wire that was put as a hole filler. In a frenzy to escape from there it has twisted its head many times only to get further entangled in the wire. Its neck bore a deep cut.
Meanwhile Kandan kept the dead rabbit aside to take it home for his meals. Subbu said some dog would have chased this animal and this would have tried to enter the farm from below the fence for safety. He cited similar incident which happened involving another wild animal. I donot recall the name he told me. He said I would not even have heard of its name as it is native to that place and is rare.
Some birds keep dying last year in hit by propeller of windmill. I was told even if the propeller was starting slowly, and there is enough time for bird to fly away, still they die for some unknown reasons. One mynah was building a nest incide the wind turbine shaft box. It was a sure death.
What can be done ? I asked Subbu and Kandan to be extremely careful about these. Each animal is important. each Insect and each bird is important. We need to play host to them and not create death traps.
Subbu mentioned that this thick bush of vettiver is home to rabbits. he was even searching one in it. It was so thick and so re-assuring.
I know my farm will grow to be a good host for many a living creatures.

There I saw a wild rabbit having got caught under the fence met with a gory death. The diamond knitted fence had a small opening at the bottom. Small animals can creep in. I guess Kandan or Subbu had blocked that passage casually with thin tie wire. This Rabbit in a hurry to get inside had got its neck entangled on this loose thin wire that was put as a hole filler. In a frenzy to escape from there it has twisted its head many times only to get further entangled in the wire. Its neck bore a deep cut.
Meanwhile Kandan kept the dead rabbit aside to take it home for his meals. Subbu said some dog would have chased this animal and this would have tried to enter the farm from below the fence for safety. He cited similar incident which happened involving another wild animal. I donot recall the name he told me. He said I would not even have heard of its name as it is native to that place and is rare.
Some birds keep dying last year in hit by propeller of windmill. I was told even if the propeller was starting slowly, and there is enough time for bird to fly away, still they die for some unknown reasons. One mynah was building a nest incide the wind turbine shaft box. It was a sure death.
What can be done ? I asked Subbu and Kandan to be extremely careful about these. Each animal is important. each Insect and each bird is important. We need to play host to them and not create death traps.
Subbu mentioned that this thick bush of vettiver is home to rabbits. he was even searching one in it. It was so thick and so re-assuring.
I know my farm will grow to be a good host for many a living creatures.
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