Subbu is in a mood to go to Tirupati. His annual pilgrimage. He was saying he did not get proper tickets. I did not want to therefore load with any other major work.
Finally 3 Phase current is sanctioned. After several sorties, Subbu had obtained the new meter. Now the Eb has to come and give connection from the pole. Upto the pole they seem to have drawn the required extra wiring. I asked Subbu to call a local contractor to do rest of intra-farm wiring. No compromise should be there in quality as more current is going to come. Meanwhile Subbu hit upon an idea of making indigenous electric post using 2" pipes to save on cost. Electric poles are costing very heavy if purchased. (above 7K per pole).
Windmill was fixed and is working fine. However after 3 months suddenly it has unlocked itself. The reason was found to be a silly mistake by Kandan. Earlier Kandan had unwound the rods without holding the lower rod with left hand. This is like trying to open a lid without holding bottle. the Result is it has loosened a screw somewhere deep inside the well. Such behavior of people is what makes us develop more idiot proof things in due course.
I spoke to Subbu about what we can do further in agriculture. Presently he claimed he has cleaned the banana patch. Kandan and his accomplice (One man who has been appointed as body guard to Kandan for a fee. Kandan feels threatened after he hit a thief few weeks back) were given some job. Left alone they would confine themselves to watering the trees and keep quite. I was upset on this and hence Subbu had some work delegated.
I am writing about sustainable farming as a series of articles in Face book in vernacular Tamil. It has been a long pending due to write something in Tamil for my friends. I started writing about sustainability especially focusing on farm power. (Wind, CSP etc). looks like people like it.
There is other reason for writing now. ABS company called me and told they have a windmill ready and it is occupying space in their factory. They are into bolting business and keep high value items. They want to sell this off quickly to make room for themselves. I promised I will contact some of my agriculture farmer friends. This article of mine has indeed generated interested. Hope it will mature into orders. If more orders come, I myself want to get involved into design improvements along with ABS.
Meanwhile I am silently working on my low cost verticle windmill project. I just gave order for fresh wings to a workshop. My other project - mechanical amplifier is also taking good shape.
Below are some of the farm pictures as it stands. These are inspiring.
View from behind the windpump rotor blade. |
Recently the fuse had burned. This is dangerous. It happens because whatever said, they donot propelry
use rated fuse wires. They tend to use copper wires. I must be strict on this. |
Just a random View |
Mature coconut |
Amla |
Sapota patch. Note the climate has started Drying. |
Sapota |
Jasmine. Nice to see it is bushy. But it lacks manure. |
The one and only surviving vegetable. White Brinjal |
Need to make pickles out of this. Subbu is not listening. |
Jasmine patch |
One rod from the well. I wanted subbu to take photo of its tip with pencil.
This is how we exchange information. This picture will allow me
to guage how much is the thickness of the rod.
This is required for me here to fabricate one. Since he is not having vernier calipher, this idea.
This picture says the rod is 12mm in diameter. |
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